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The Secret Weapon of Content Marketing

Your SEO Ranking Will Benefit from Publishing on SlideShare

The Secret Weapon of Content Marketingslideshare

Most businesses understand that their content marketing strategy must engage with multiple online channels for the best results. Prominent channels such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn have overshadowed other content marketing platforms, but an increasing number of businesses are finding value elsewhere. SlideShare is one of these thriving marketing channels that could be a valuable weapon to add to your content marketing arsenal.

Don’t take my word for it.

Tom Critchlow, the VP Operations for Distilled tells us:

“Consider active communities like slideshare as great places to get exposure and reach.”

Rand Fishkin of SEOmoz recommends including presentations in content marketing and SEO strategy. He states:

“It’s an easy medium to post to, plus SlideShare has high domain authority. It doesn’t take a lot of links if you use the right keywords. Embedding helps your slidedeck rank better.”

Steve Olenski from Forbes shares with us his views on SlideShare and states that SlideShare is the next big thing.

SlideShare seems to be an incredibly valuable tool for marketers, brand managers, etc., the world over. I decided I needed to get some expert advice for not only myself but for all of you for this tool is truly something I believe we all should be using to some extent.”

Sharon Hurley Hall, a professional writer and blogger on The Daily Egg tells Power Point to “Move over- your day is done! It’s time to make way for SlideShare”


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