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How Our Local Presence Management Solution Achieved All of Our Pest Control Client's Goals

How Our Local Presence Management Solution Achieved All of Our Pest Control Client’s Goals

At Advice Local, we know that our digital marketing and local presence management strategies are effective. But, saying is one thing… showing is where it’s at and we’re doing that today.

How to Find Local Citations - Free guide

In 2018, we took on a new client, an international pest control company that operates in 23 countries. This brand has a presence within 47 states across the United States, and serve more than 300 individual locations. They came to Advice Local in search of local SEO expertise, which we gladly provided.

Our work with them led to success in their local presence management efforts, profits, and visibility on the web. Here is an in-depth look into the work we performed for this pest control company, and are digital efforts which contributed to their successes.

A Deep Look Into Our Local Presence Management Work

First, we scheduled a meeting with our client to better understand the issues they perceived with their online presence. We do this with all of our potential clients; hearing what they believe is not working – as well as the goals they want to achieve – is factored into the foundation of the work we do for them. From there, we performed a full audit to discover exactly what items needed to be tackled first to reach the client’s main goal: increasing traffic and revenue.

After their audit, we found the following major issues with their locations’ digital presence:

  • They were missing locations’ listings across the local ecosystem.
  • There was inconsistent and inaccurate NAP (name, address, and phone number) data for existing locations, both in online business directories and search engine listings.
  • There was missing location data across the entire local ecosystem, not just a single network.
  • There were low rankings in many areas.

The Client’s Vision

This brand had more than one goal in mind, and they weren’t playing around with their specific expectations! Their first goal was to increase traffic to their location pages by 35 percent by amping their visibility in local key markets. Secondly, they wanted to make sure that at least 90 percent of all of their data across the web was accurate. It’s no doubt that, with more than 300 locations, we had a challenge in store for us! Lastly, they wanted to increase clicks and calls from their Google Business Profile (previously Google My Business) listings by 25 percent and 15 percent, respectively.

The Advice Local Solution

This pest control brand was working with another local presence management company at the time, which had more than 27,000 location listings – but it wasn’t enough to reach the client’s goals because of optimization and accuracy issues.

In order to provide a better solution, we completed a detailed audit of all the citations for the listings created with the other company. We also made sure that any duplicate suppression listings were tracked down and cleaned up. We used multiple tools and methods to find and fix the errors on these location listings in order to create consistency in the data. If you know us, then you know how frequently we mention the importance of consistency, and how it can make or break business opportunities! Those missed opportunities with each location were addressed quickly.

After the audit and research, we knew a visibility increase could only be achieved through a combination of citation building, citation cleanup, on-page website changes, content discovery topics and schema markup. We conducted another by-hand discovery of all citations, looking for faulty live links and incorrect phone numbers. We also created a unique listing package to avoid any overlap with the existing 27,000 listings created by the other company. We identified 10 new vertical sites and submitted accurate business’ data to them, creating new visibility opportunities for the client’s locations!

Increasing customer actions via Google Business Profile (GBP) was also a goal for the client, so we then focused on auditing each location’s GBP listing for accuracy. We wanted to obtain their insights on actions, rankings, photos and queries, among others. GBP offers untold information on individual locations, but only when they’re fully optimized. That’s why we optimized each listing with relevant information – like products, services, coupons and offers – and added approved photos. In short, we created the dream listing that every business needs no matter their size! We then ensured each listing linked to the respective landing page, and finally corrected any duplicate or inaccurate listings.

We took a series of additional steps to achieve this brand’s goals. Our work included:

  • Local optimization practices, like local listing management, optimization and promotion.
  • Website technical optimization.
  • Context semantics content ideation.
  • Relevant and quality inbound referring domain, particularly local-specific links.
  • Custom reporting on goals & progress.

The Incredible Results

After putting our plan in action, the pest control brand started seeing results within only two months! This is what we were able to provide in that short time frame:

  • The listing searches reached the highest point in one week: 26,381 searches!
  • 6,973+ keyword positions moved up in rankings across all locations.
  • Bing organic keyword positions were up by 14,146 in a positive direction.

By the third month, we added these following successes:

  • Impression data reached its highest point – over 200,000 for three consecutive months.
  • Total clicks reached its highest point – over 60,000 for three consecutive months.

On our own Advice Local dashboard, we noticed after three months:

  • A 38 percent growth on NAP score.
  • A 38 percent growth on visibility.
  • A 58 percent growth on directory score.

As for their GBP listings, after four months we achieved the following:

  • Profile views up 127 percent.
  • Search views up 81 percent.
  • Google Maps views up 15 percent.
  • Bing search impressions up 83 percent.
  • Other listing impressions up 61 percent.

On Bing, we saw an increase from 7,500 monthly searches to almost 15,000! We saw amazing results on Yelp as well, with appearances jumping to an all-time high of over 500,000 for five consecutive months. With our solution, we didn’t just reach their goal of 35 percent increased traffic – our client also saw the most profitable month in company history. How incredible is that?

Our Local Presence Management Strategies Result in Happy Clients!

Partnering with this international brand and helping them achieve the success they wanted was a thrilling mission. We knew our methods would work because we see them work every day for other businesses and brands like them!

Our local presence management solution increased their visibility and resulted in clear conversions that made their investment with us worthwhile. We’re ready to do the same for other companies! Request a demo today to learn how we can help the businesses you represent, too.