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New Product Line Announcement: GPS POI Integration

As we prepare to launch Advice Local, we’re going to give you a sneak preview of our new product line every day this week. We heard your requests for expanded services and products, so we’re happy to say we’re ready to deliver even more features than you could dream of. First up: GPS POI integration.

GPS POI Integration

The Problems

It’s one thing to pull out your smartphone, open Google Maps and find a business. Every company in our field can get that done. But it’s another thing completely to have those same listings populate on portable and in-dash navigation systems. We understood your frustration when you told us your customers could easily find you through their desktop computers or mobile devices, but they weren’t having the same success rate when they stepped into their cars.

To make things worse, many times your business is listed in the navigation systems, but your business is miscategorized or your pin is in the wrong location. What this means is that if you’re a pizza business and people nearby search “pizza,” your business isn’t showing up because it’s miscategorized as “nail salon” and your pin is sitting two blocks from where you’re actually located. Not to mention the navigation system listings are incredibly difficult to edit and get those changes made. The culmination of these pain points for business owners and our resellers’ clients motivated us to set out to find the solution.

The Solution

Today we announce that we’ve hooked up with GPS point of interest partners, and can now submit to mapping companies like HERE to syndicate your listings to all the major navigation systems including Garmin, TomTom and Magellan, in addition to the most popular car manufacturers.

These are powerful mapping platforms with direct access to more than 80,000 sources of data. These are the engines behind most portable and in-dash navigation systems. We’re providing mapping solutions that guarantee your customers will get to your business whether they’re using their phones or their car navigation systems. We’re also making it easy to edit these listings. Before, you’d have to contact each individual manufacturer to get a listing changed, but now you just need to make the change in your Dashboard and we’ll make sure it’s updated across the board.

Business listings are more than just data sets we submit online. Business listings mean real businesses with real customers who need to get places. With Advice Local, your customers can rely on any mapping and navigation system they choose to get them to your business every time.

If you’d like to learn more about our GPS POI offerings or our new and improved product line, contact us today or schedule a time for a demo.