Web Form Spam Protection

The Fight Against Web Form Spam In the early days of Advice, one of the most common trouble tickets we would receive went something like this: “Hi Support, I’m receiving hundreds of spam emails a day from our web forms – isn’t there anything we can do to stop this?” For a developer, there are some seemingly easy answers to this, but I’ve found it’s more complicated than it seems. […Read More]

Facebook Likes in the SEO World

Does Facebook Affect Your SEO? Everyone and every business is jumping on this social media bandwagon to sell themselves and their services. As we all hunch behind the harsh LED glow of our computer monitors, it seems the only way to connect with each other and our loved ones is through the means of Facebook, Twitter, and the like.   Value is being added to a business each time a […Read More]

Has Penguin 2 Hit Your Website

Penguin 2.0 Penalty: The Basics There’s been a lot of talk about Penguin 2.0 penalties and bad backlinks. As a business owner with a website, you’re probably wondering if your site has or will be hit with a Penguin penalty. Since you’re here, there may be cause for concern. Let’s help you find out. Drop in Traffic and Rankings A drop in traffic and rankings around the end of May […Read More]

What Does Your Client Really Need?

Treating Sales Relationships Like Your First Date The first step is to go directly to the source.  A thorough discovery session is often the most overlooked, and most essential, part of the sales process. The back and forth between you and your client should flow naturally. I always think of this phase as the first date. On my first dates with my wife I asked lots of questions. I shut my mouth […Read More]

Infographic: Content Marketing Across Sectors

Creating a Successful Content Marketing Campaign Content is a crucial part of any company’s marketing strategy, but not all companies should be using the same style of content. When writing content for your business, you need to look at it from a consumer’s point of view. Who is your audience going to be? What are you trying to get your audience to do? Even selling a product vs. selling a […Read More]

Useful Browser Tools for Web Design Productivity

Communicating design changes between the client and your development team often requires translation. The translation is often semantics but a very important skill for productivity. Communication breakdowns between the client and your team, especially in design, can be critical and annoyingly circular, that is why is always recommended to use automated test tools to keep going with the productivity. Aside from color changes, moving elements around and resizing certain elements […Read More]

Link Building Interview Part 3

Link Building Interview With Aaron Wall Welcome to the final post in our link building interview series. This week, we’ll be featuring Aaron Wall of SEO Book. If you missed our previous posts, be sure to check out our interview with Jon Cooper of Point Blank SEO and Julie Joyce of SEO Chicks. This is a long one, so stick with it. Aaron offers some interesting points about link building, […Read More]

Hiring the Right Digital Marketing Agency—Nieces Beware

An Uncle’s Perspective My niece graduated with honors, and two degrees, from the University of Virginia last month.  She accomplished this feat in four short years which places her in a very select group.  Not only did she graduate on time, but started working full time at a consulting firm in Washington D. C. two weeks after graduation.  She accepted the job offer after interning as a Blogger last summer.  […Read More]

Four Social Media Mistakes That Make You Look Like a Rookie

With as many things as we have to do every day, it’s easy to stop paying attention to how we’re interacting with our brand’s social media profiles. Learn about the many TV ad tracking methods. With an added demand for making our Tweets, posts, and status updates count for something, it can be tempting to try to fortify our marketing efforts with techniques we think will get our content seen […Read More]

Creating a Standard HTML Template

Step By Step Guide for Building a Standard HTML Template Beginning a project with an HTML file with all the required tag elements and general CSS helps save time and increases your efficiency.  A basic HTML page requires a DOCTYPE, head elements, link tags for CSS, title tags, etc.  All these elements help to create a fully functioning HTML page or site.  Creating an HTML template with all these elements and saving […Read More]