Is Your Digital Marketing Driving You Mad? Tips from The March Madness Playbook

March Madness is here and those brackets are heating up! If you are into college basketball or your spouse or colleagues at work are into it, then you have no doubt been asked to play the brackets. Some groups play for quarters, some play for chores and, of course, there are those that play for the big bucks (I am not one of those). Then, you have the manner in […Read More]

Internet Explorer is Going Away: Microsoft’s Project Spartan To Save the Day?

It would seem that the rumors and the wishful thinking of many (if not everyone) have come true and Microsoft has now confirmed that Internet Explorer is going away. (Yippee!) In the midst of the cheering that I am sure followed such an announcement, they have also said that they are working on its replacement, which currently remains nameless but tagged as Project Spartan. Microsoft’s Project Spartan – The Hero? […Read More]

What I Learned Watching Saturday Night Live About Digital Marketing

Like many Americans, and probably many more worldwide, I watched the Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary Reunion Show a few days ago.  And it really got me thinking about digital marketing and how timing is everything. My take on it was much like the reviews I am seeing on social media and hearing on the morning radio shows – some of it was greatness and other parts were boring or […Read More]

How to Write a Cool Evergreen Blog Post

Evergreen content. Doesn’t the phrase just burst with freshness? But this is a bit of a paradox, really, because evergreen content isn’t necessarily new or fresh. Rather, they’re ideas of a sustainable and timeless nature, equally applicable at all times. An evergreen blog post is one that’s as appropriate today as the day it was written. It contains information that remains perpetually relevant despite the passage of time. According to […Read More]

Conversion Rate Optimization: Fundamentals You Can’t Revisit Enough

“There are two kinds of people doing conversion optimization: tacticians and strategists,” wrote Chris Goward in this KISSmetrics article about conversion strategy and tactics. Here, we aren’t going to dwell on the pros and cons of either side. Whether you like to think of yourself as a tactician or a strategist, you need to remember that either is incomplete without the other. Ongoing CRO needs a healthy mix of strategy and tactics. […Read More]

What Is Ello and Should You Even Care?

Ello is a new, invite-only social network that has recently received a lot of press for two main reasons. First, the site vows never to sell information about its members to advertisers or to allow ads to appear in its network. Second, this idea of an ad-free social media experience has resonated strongly with the public, resulting in a record number of people requesting to join the new site. At […Read More]

What I Learned at Content Marketing World 2014

I recently returned from speaking at Joe Pulizzi’s Content Marketing World in Cleveland. I first attended and spoke on a panel at the 2012 Content Marketing World in Columbus two years ago. Every year the conference is different, so I wanted to share with you some of the things I enjoyed at this year’s event.     Content Marketing World is the show to watch: Joe Pulizzi knows how to […Read More]

Do YOU Connect with Content, Search, Social and Local? Now YOU Can!

The Local Social: We ROCK Content, Search and Social At Advice Interactive our mission is to provide the digital marketing community, and all businesses small and large, with the tools, resources, information and essential knowledge to have success with: Content Strategy and SEO Local and National Search Social Media Strategy & Engagement We share this information through blogs, videos, social media and events! Speaking of events …. On October 23rd […Read More]

Where to Begin with Local Search Engine Optimization

Maybe you read an article that talked about Panda, Penguin and Pigeon updates, but don’t understand how these animals pertain to SEO? Well, we are here to help and offer advice on how to get started with Local SEO. Achieving high rankings and visibility in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) for any business is the ultimate internet marketing goal, but it might not be the most achievable goal for […Read More]

How to Be an Instant SEO Expert: The 1 Minute Prep for Sales Calls

Do you make outbound cold calls to new digital marketing prospects? Do you receive inbound calls and need to appear like the instant SEO expert? If you answered “yes” to either of the questions above, you need a strategy to differentiate yourself from the fifteen other knuckleheads your prospects are talking to everyday. You need to be of value. Providing value is your most important objective. If you are of value, you will […Read More]