5 Tips For Handling Web Development Requests, Without Pulling Your Hair Out

So you are just starting your day, and you seem to be buried under a pile of work. Not so fast, it doesn’t have to be that way. Does this sound like your day? You have an open request to build a site. You also have an open request to make minor adjustments to a different site (or two or three different sites). Those requests seem to come through a multitude […Read More]

How to Blog for Your Business [Part 1]

Creating the Perfect Post for Your Business to Build Consumer Trust This is a brave new world and we are all Columbus in our own right—exploring the vast territory of that which is the Internet. Explorers no longer slice through exotic palms, have devilish good looks, or die of horrific diseases. No, contemporary explorers wade through oceans of data and information, fight against a sea of changing algorithms and advertisements, […Read More]

Reinventing the Press Release to Shine Online, Pt. 2

Keep News Items Short, Interactive and Optimized for Search Engines As discussed in Part 1 of this 2-part blog series about “press releases” for small business, things have changed greatly over the years for the classic press release. With the advent of electronic communications and websites, we are talking major changes – not just updated writing style with hyperlinks added. Press releases have evolved into a new category of web content. […Read More]

Reinventing the Press Release to Shine Online, Pt. 1

If you are an entrepreneur running a small business – or even a medium to verging-on-large business – sending out a conventional press release about your company may not be your first choice for a way to promote your product or service. That’s OK, because the “conventional” old press release probably isn’t the best way to promote these days. That does not mean that the whole concept of releasing information to […Read More]

Totally Awesome Tracking Tactics Using Excel

Tracking phone numbers has always been a fairly reasonable tactic for tracking where traffic is coming from, reason for the call, duration, and conversion rate. Now, with the continual growth of Google Ad Campaigns, marketers are teaming up both Google Analytics and call traffic to zero in their results even more. We were recently introduced to a PPC campaign that did exactly that. This client’s campaign came with a month’s worth […Read More]

Blending Graphic Design & SEO for Return on Investment (ROI)

“SEO is all about driving traffic to a site so that it can then make conversions, this suggests the importance of graphic design for SEO. Graphic design and SEO work together because investing in online marketing only makes sense if the website can convert visitors to customers.” – Ryan Farrell, The Basics of Combining Graphic Design & SEO At the beginning of a project or website build the options are […Read More]

How Your Keyword Rankings Happen

As a site owner, do you know how your keyword rankings occur? Do you know how your clients find you? Let’s find out as you take on the role of Bob, owner of ww.bobswidgetworld.com. After a lot of hard work you’ve done it! Your site finally ranks for ‘blue widgets’. Traffic has increased. You’re getting a lot of qualified leads. When the smoke clears, you decide to check your data. […Read More]

I Like My Graphic Design Hard Boiled, Not Over Easy

Do You Want Cheap, Fast, & Great Graphic Design? Colin Harman is an artist in California who created a graphic design infographic a few years ago that is so simple it begs you to insert your own interpretations, graphic design stories, and client experiences in each one of its carefully placed Venn diagram intersections. No matter your bent in the graphic design world, from freelancers to corporate employees, we’ve all […Read More]

Responsive Web Design: Working with a Fluid Grid

In my last post, I introduced you to the concept of responsive web design. I want to take this one step further and begin the actual implementation. Just to refresh, responsive web design combines fluid grids, CSS3 media queries, and flexible images to allow a website to adapt to the screen size of the user. Today, we’ll start out with fluid grids. Once again, we have Ethan Marcotte to thank […Read More]

Mobile Website Optimization Has Found Its Home

Is Your Website Optimized? I’m not talking about Search Engine Optimization. While SEO is important, I wonder, have you thought about the last time you viewed a site on your mobile device? Did it fit within the screen you were using? Did you have to keep adjusting the size so that you were able to read it? I am betting if you had to do that, you didn’t stay at […Read More]