Link builders are constantly looking for quality, authoritative sites to partner with. Whether that be through guest posting or directory submissions, link builders are always trying to expand and improve their prospect lists to better diversify their client’s link building profile. With that comes an incredible amount of research, outreach, and link evaluation. The most successful link building campaigns have the potential to increase a site’s traffic, search engine rankings, […Read More]
Author: Advice Local
Find Your Font And Gain A Captive Audience
Fonts are primarily for visual pleasure, it’s true. Since visual impact is significant to user experience, designating the right font for your content will help decide if your content will actually reach and engage your audience. Your Font Experience Font enthusiasts may have heard about a documentary called Helvetica by Gary Hustwit where the subject of how Helvetica came to be the most popular font in the world is analyzed. Typeface aficionados may have heard […Read More]
Why Dr. Seuss Should Have Been a Web Content Writer
Before there was Internet and networks and so on There was a man that we all did dote on His name was Seuss, and his tongue was loose Rhyming and twisting words about life and battles and political faddle To teach us all about the things that matter As you all know after reading my last post on Doctor Who, I really like my doctors. So, this time, I thought […Read More]
All Words are NOT Created Equal
Words are fun. They help us communicate with each other. And with as many words as there are (and with more being invented every year), it’s easy to find the exact way to say what we want in any number of ways. However, according to tender writing services sydney this does not mean that all words are created equal. But… but… synonyms! They’re words that all mean the same thing, […Read More]
Where Did You Search Today?
Earlier today in his talk at the Dallas Digital Summit, Jon Kaufman asked you where you searched today? You voted, and here are your results! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give us a shout @AdviceGroup You need to upgrade your Flash Player to view this page.
Jon Kaufman and Other Passionate Presenters Highlight the Dallas Digital Summit Stage
Today will mark the first day of the two-day Dallas Digital Summit (#DDSum12). As I sit and ponder all of the events, conventions, and summits I have been to across my technology career, I wonder what makes those events special and fruitful—I wonder what will make the first-annual Dallas Digital Summit different from all others? What makes them good? Information that would not ordinarily be available or understood through SlideShare, Go-To-Meeting, […Read More]
Advanced Web Ranking SEO Tool Review
Advanced Web Ranking SEO Tool Review There are a lot of SEO tools out there, but very few could scale to the needs of my agency at an affordable price point. We were using IBP and another cloud based solution. With an ever increasing client base, IBP was starting to show it’s limitations. I gave Advanced Web Ranking a try and came away with a tool I can definitely use […Read More]
Marketing and The 4-Hour Workweek: A Commentary Without Data, Information, or Useful Tips. A Thanksgiving Treatise
Reader Beware: If you are a Marketing Manager, an Ad Executive, a Social Media Coordinator, a Search Engine Strategist, a Web Developer, a Creative Designer, or another student of the rarely glamorous, often thankless field of goalpost-moving metrics, management, and ideas we call marketing… read on. If not, I would suggest spending your next several minutes watching this short video of a surprised cat. The brave read on… Timothy Ferriss […Read More]
Responsive Web Design: Fluid Images
This is the fourth and final part of the series of posts I’ve been writing over the past few months about responsive web design techniques. So far, we’ve covered the basics of what responsive web design is: the fluid grid and CSS3 media queries. Seemingly, our responsive site is complete. However, there is one key component missing in our site: fluid images. Sure, our site responds to the size of […Read More]
What Daniel Day-Lewis’s Method Acting Can Teach Writers
Daniel Day-Lewis is known for his method acting. He goes to extremes — which can sometimes bridge on dangerous — in order to fully experience the role he’s cast to play, including his role as President of the United States in Lincoln, opening today. Here are a few of his other famous method acting techniques: In Gangs of New York (2002, dir. Martin Scorsese), Day-Lewis took butchering lessons from a […Read More]