As you know, the SEO industry is filled with jargon. Most people know the basic dictionary terms, but there are words out there that are just plain… well, weird. In my never-ending quest to expand my knowledge of this industry, I recently went on a wild goose chase through various SEO glossaries for the weirdest, most unusual SEO terms I could find. The following is the result! (Note: Several of […Read More]
Author: Advice Local
Marketing Your Content to the Right Audience: Lessons from J.K. Rowling
Can you remember the first time you heard about the Harry Potter books? I know I can. I was in my elementary school classroom, and everyone one was all abuzz about the book that one of my friends had brought to school; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. At that time, like many avid Harry Potter fans, I did not like reading. Scratch that—I hated it. However, there was something […Read More]
Informational and Transactional Keywords
Informational and Transactional Keywords: Know the Difference Last time I wrote a very basic post about how your site ranks in search engines. This time around we’ll be talking about informational and transactional keywords, as well as the buying cycle. Not only that, we’re also going to talk about how you can increase sales by catching prospects during the informational phase of the buying cycle. Sounds good, right? Yes, it’s […Read More]
Authorize.Net’s Recurring Billing Solutions
By: Roger Yonley – Coder Tactics Authorize.Net is a payment gateway that provides the infrastructure and security needed to safely and easily connect merchants to credit card processing networks. It offers an API for most situations, making it a popular choice among developers and merchants. Setting Up Recurring Billing for Clients One need that online businesses commonly have is the ability to setup recurring billing for their clients. Authorize.Net offers […Read More]
The Best of Advice 2012
The Best of Advice 2012 Top Tips from Digital Development, Marketing and SEO Experts Looking back on 2012, it’s astounding how much has happened in the world of Internet marketing over the past 12 months. From Google+ and Panda to Penguin and Pinterest, there has been a whirlwind of activity. All these developments added up to a lot of growth, excitement and recognition for Advice Interactive Group. Our fearless leader […Read More]
Content Marketing Lessons I Learned From Gangnam Style
By now, everyone has heard the Korean pop sensation, Gangnam Style. Whether it was the mother-son duo, the U.S. Navy parody, or the Mitt Romney version that debuted weeks before the November election, we all know the song that has taken America by storm. As the success of PSY and his catchy tune continues to spread, the knowledge of “viral videos” and the interests of Internet users becomes increasingly clear. […Read More]
SEO Sales: Getting Your Foot in the Door
As an SEO sales professional, you face many hurdles. Some are easier to overcome than others. Cold calling and setting the initial appointment is one of the most daunting tasks you will face. The act of making that first call is not difficult by any means. It is what leads up to that first call and what ensues immediately after someone answers the phone on the other end that can […Read More]
The Relationship of SEO and Development, Part 2
Earlier this week in The Relationship of SEO and Development, Part 1 I mentioned some topics I would further discuss in part 2. While not everything may affect SEO, the point of this isn’t to get the number one spot on a search page, because I am not even getting into strategies for that. As a developer there are certain things you can do to develop web sites so that […Read More]
HTML5 and the Geolocation API
HTML5 has a lot of pretty awesome features. One in particular that I have been playing around with lately is the geolocation API. With this API, you can detemine the geographical location of your users. This can be helpful for applications that might recommend local services or products based on a person’s location. Another use of this would be to display the user’s location on a map (we can do […Read More]
The Relationship of SEO and Development, Part 1
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an integral part of development. Are you a developer wondering why you should be concerned with SEO? If you thought it was just about the content on a page, and how many Keywords you can stuff into that, stick around. You will see just why SEO is so important to the development process of a site. This list is not in any particular order, but […Read More]